Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Qualitative Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Qualitative Research - Essay Example The reason why qualitative research method is used is because of its ease of use over quantitate research method. For instance, measuring human emotions through quantitative research would be very difficult. However there are tools available in qualitative research method where people can even incorporate human emotions and feelings in their analysis. When using qualitative research methodology, the conclusion of the study is a mere proposition, an informed assertion. There is no ‘hence proved’ at the end of the study. This is where quantitative study comes in. If the proposition deduced by qualitative research needs to be proven or at least get a more concrete support, the proposition can be analysed/qualified with quantitative research. Empirical support can be used from quantitative method to support qualitative conclusion. However this approach is discredited by Oxford University professor Bent Flyvbjerg. According to Flyvbjerg, qualitative research methodology can b e used, both for hypotheses testing and going beyond the limit of generalizing limited case studies (Flyvbjerg, 2006). Strengths of Qualitative Research Here are some of the strengths of qualitative research; a) Data is based on participants’ own meanings and interpretations b) In-depth study becomes relatively easy in qualitative research however the number of cases can’t be too large c) When complex phenomena are being studied it is helpful to use qualitative method d) It provides information on individual cases e) Can conduct cross-case comparisons and analysis f) It provides an understanding of personal experiences of people. g) It can describe the phenomena in rich detail as it embosses in local context. h) The examiner can study active processes, for instance documenting sequential patterns and alterations. i) The examiner almost always classifies contextual and setting factors as they link with the portent of interest. j) Primarily qualitative method of grounded theory can be used by the investigator to generate a cautious but elaborate theory about the phenomenon under study (Johnson & Christensen, 2000). 2. Interpretivism   Interpretivism is a concept in sociology that the method of investigation applied to the natural world may not be applicable to the social realm. In other words, scientists and investigators must discard empirical evidence and scientific method social research. This aspect of interpretivism is also called Anti-positivism, which holds that scientists need to focus on the interpretations of social sciences in understanding the people being studied (Gerber, John J. Macionis, Linda M., 2011). Interpretivism is a term that has two contexts i.e. legal and social. In the philosophy of law, Interpretivism is a school of thought which claims that a) Law and morality do have their differences but they cannot be separated. b) Law is not inherent in nature and legal values cannot exist without legal practice. c) Law is not a gi ven set of conventions and data (Wikipedia Contributors, 2012). In social sciences, Interpretivism or Anti-positivism is a view which claims that social realm may not be subject to the investigative methods of natural world. It proposes that in order to conduct social research, researchers must abandon the scientific method and focus on the personal interpretation of social actions of the people under study. In today’

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